
Scaled down footprints, last-mile optimized output.


øRetail is a research initiative aimed at understanding major hurdles to brick and mortar merchant operations and dark hours. Our solutions navigate opportunities to optimize utilization by leveraging technology and modular construction.


Retail in 2030 and beyond

In the past, it has been more cost-effective to have centralized production and sizable retail footprints. Manufacturing capabilities are evolving towards localized production and vertically dense distribution centers equipped with advanced robotics. As society moves deeper into the last mile technology continuum, we must begin interpret the longterm impacts of retail products and experiences. The U.S. has seen a large rise retail vacancies and the largest cities are undergoing major redevelopment. Our research backlog investigates the major pains of this new context in order to develop solutions with the greatest potential impact.

Flexible Retail Solutions

Just in time production with near distance inventory to serve multiple access points will allow for retail to expand in a more automated format. Our products and solutions are piloted with enterprises to validate potential venture opportunities. We consult with industry experts and leverage advanced technologies including pre-fab construction, robotics, automation, machine learning and software to design the next generation of flexible retail solutions.

Our production backlog is informed and directed by real industry insights and feedback. We have identified industry partners as first customers and devised a development timeframe to achieve proof of market viability.